Grasse, world-renowned as the capital of perfumes, was also the starting point of Dr Anne-Claire’s love story with perfumes. Anne-Claire, pharmaceutical doctor and the founder of La Brûmée, spent her summers trotting the streets of the charming town, while her senses were lured in by the arousing aromas that saturated the air she breathed. Little did she know, this aromatic ecstasy would inspire her own line of hair fragrances 20 years down the line.
The notion that the intimacy of a place, an object or a person can trigger such powerful, vivid emotions or thoughts is the foundation of La Brûmée. La Brûmée understands the relation a woman feels from a deep breath of her freshly washed hair. Through a diversity of scented hair mists, we have offered to captivate that fulfilling feeling for you into an ongoing state. The goal of La Brûmée is one: scent your hair to satiate your soul.